accompagnement & conseil présentation startups & jeunes entreprises |
agilité et gestion de projet livre sur gestion de projet agile |
Depuis Grenoble, Lyon et Genève, innotelos effectue ses prestations en France, en Suisse, en Europe et en Tunisie, notamment en région AURA Auvergne Rhône Alpes (Chambéry & Savoie, Annecy & Haute Savoie, Saint Etienne & Loire, Valence & Drôme, Ain, Isère, Rhône...) |
Didier Lebouc
Didier Lebouc, co-founder of innotelos, developed innovative products and software at various positions: agile project management, engineering, marketing…
He also published book and videos about innovation & agility.
Anne Munchenbach
Anne Munchenbach, innovation enthusiast, co-founder of innotelos, led multiple positions in a multicultural and international environment: manufacturing plant direction, brand management, line of business direction, startup creation & marketing, business development & strategy, healthcare...